Should I protest my taxes in 2024?

Opening your annual property tax bill is typically frustrating. It always seems too high, and most homeowners just pay it without realizing they can lower it. Sometimes homeowners don't protest because they don't know they can. Others forget or don't know how. And then there are those who don't think a small reduction is worth their efforts. Data shows that protesting your taxes every year, can make a huge impact and reduce your tax bill. Get it over with sooner than waiting for later. The appraisers are ready to help you so set an appointment ASAP. The longer you procrastinate, just putting it off and waiting too long, they are tired and are not as nice. Get them while they are fresh and generous first thing in the morning. Go in the morning not at the end of a hot day.

3 things you can do:

  1. Protest it yourself : Use compatible properties. As a realtor I can help support you and review the homes the appraisal district is using to come up with the value. Sometimes if you can prove a comparable property is not in line, you can have it removed or exchange a property and that can help lower tax value.

  2. You can use a professional service. You can hire a professional company like home tax shield. They have the power of data science and artificial intelligence with local, experienced tax professionals who represent you at your hearing each year. They can give you online access to your properties, protest status and results.

  3. You can choose to do nothing. I don’t recommend this. You will pay more in taxes.
